Timshel - Days 4 and 5 Arrival
Wind died early evening as we sailed close hauled towards Cabo Villano and the Finisterre TSS so we motorsailed, not wanting to hang about there with bad weather forecast for next day. But it came back during the night so we could sail onwards putting in a few tacks. A tiny bird (a finch?) hitched a ride for a short while. Sudden squalls (30 knots +) and thunderous rain had our decks awash before we could reef, then it die away so we’d end up with full sail again. There was a pod of dolphins as we approached Bayona, but wind deserted us again as we approached Isle de Cies so we put on the engine again. Managed to sail across the line (though yellow buoy seemed to be absent) with reefed sails between more squalls of wind and shower power rain. Lovely to be welcomed at the pontoons by Yellow shirts Alvaro and Bev and fellow rally boats. We slept very well that night.
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