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Epiphany - Day -1. We are ready

Crew is here, all boat jobs down, food purchased. We are ready to go tomorrow morning. It’s about a 900 mile passage from Sint Maarten to Bermuda. Normally 6-7 days but we have light winds forecast. 5-10 knots for the first 3-4 days. Hopefully the Parasailor will get us moving if not we will motor sail a little bit. I got an extra 160l of diesel in Jerry cans here in Sint Maarten so I’m today we have 555l. If we go conservatively and motor at 5.5-6knots then we only use 3l an hour and hence have over 7 days of fuel. Enough to get to Bermuda from the start.

Towards the end of a passage a low pressure is forecast to come over Bermuda. It should ease but of course we will keep an eye on it.

Our plan for watches is a 3 hour rotating schedule. First afternoon we will have no watches but then start officially at 6pm local. I’ll likely sit with Charlie during the first watch to help her get used to everything. Then do my watch and 9 and have my dad take over at midnight. Then we continue till Bermuda.

Crew is currently very relaxed. Hiding from the afternoon sun in the shade and waiting for our final evening and will go out for a meal together.

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