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Final leg for World ARC Pacific

The World ARC Pacific start from Vanuatu to Australia left this morning at 1000 local time (UTC+11) after the start was delayed due to weather conditions. It was a great day for a start with bright sunshine and a breeze to take the boats over the line on the start of their final leg to Australia. This is the last leg of the rally for the World ARC Pacific fleet, leaving Port Vila in Vanuatu and heading for Mackay where the rally finishes.

The fleet have enjoyed their time in Vanuatu, after clearing in at Port Resolution, Tanna where they visited a local village and the volcano and participated in a gift exchange ceremony the boats sailed independently to Port Vila, the capital city on the island of Efate. Some stopped at the island of Erromango on the way, visited the local yacht club and were hosted by the locals for dinner.

The last passage is roughly 1150 nautical miles, 1050nm to the finish line followed by around 100nm through the Hydrographers' Passage, a shipping channel through coral reefs surrounding the coast. It should take the boats approximately 7-8 days to arrive and we look forward to seeing them in the final port in Australia at the wonderful marina with all the facilities Mackay Marina Village.

Many of the fleet left the rally in Vanuatu, some to visit New Caledonia, others to head for other ports in Australia and we wish them well and all the best with their sailing plans and hope to see them again in the future. Bon voyage!

Thank you to all in Yachting World Marina for hosting such a great stopover in Port Vila.

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