After 3 days of preparations in Cabedelo, the World ARC fleet left Brazil heading to Grenada, with a short stopover in Devils Island.
During the stopover in Cabedelo, the participants went through the clearances out process and prepared the yachts to this long leg to the Caribbean, where everything started some years ago!
Before the Clearances the crews gathered for a great evening of food and music at the Marina Jacare.
The food was excellent, with plenty of Brazilian dishes, and the music helped to create a great ambiance, with the last participants leaving the dinner only late at night

On the way to Grenada the fleet will stop in Devils Island a small, isolated island located off the coast of French Guiana in South America. The island is notorious for its use as a prison colony by the French government from 1852 to 1953. It was one of the most brutal and infamous prisons in history, and its name became synonymous with cruelty and injustice.
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