Leaving Baiona with on 3 or 4 knots of breeze, the fleet headed off south to their first stop in Portugal, Povoa de Varzim. The 50nm journey did provide some sailing and the fleet started arriving late afternoon. A big thank you goes to the marina staff who’s help to berth the fleet was invaluable as the frequency of arrivals increased. Despite their slow start in Baiona, the whole fleet made it into the marina in time for the prize giving dinner held in the Yacht Club restaurant Anastacia, within the marina complex.
The club’s President Paulo Neves welcomed the fleet and was then on hand to present the prizes for leg 2.
First in Class A were Paul and Dee Wade on their Hallberg Rassy 48 Blonde Moment and in Class B the winners were Nick Flower and his crew on Kite Runner the Oyster 45.