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Luna - Log 18 - We finally found it :-)

Efter at have søgt i snart to uger fandt vi den langt om længe: Nordøstpassaten!

I går var endnu en dag, hvor vi blev rullet rundt i skæve bølger. Vi søgte først sydpå og siden nordpå igen i løbet af natten, og så i morges midt i den stille vind, var den der bare lige pludselig. Vi har nu sat butterfly, og kursen er direkte mod Horta :-)

Delfiner har i flere omgange sprunget lystigt i vandet omkring Luna som for at ønske os tillykke med fundet.

Solen skinner, himlen er blå (og de fleste skyer hvide...) og alt er skønt.

/Luna & Besætning

PS. Mon man skulle skylle fiskelinerne igen i dag?


After searching for almost two weeks, did we find it at last: The North-east Trade Wind!

Yesterday was another day where we were tossed around in huge swells from several directions. First, we tried to go

more southern, during the night we once again changed to a more northern course, and then suddenly this morning, there it was. We have set the butterfly and the course is set straight at Horta :-)

Dolphins have visited us and jumped the waters around Luna in more than one occasion...somehow to congratulate us on the finding.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue (and most of the clouds are white...) and everything is just great :-)

/Luna & Crew

PS. Maybe we should wash the fishing lines once again?

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