We have now been in Bermuda a few days, enough time to catch up in sleep, taste a few dark n stormy and enjoy some of the local food.
The last morning was a lovely sail in and we crossed the line at 10:38 local time. Almost exactly 7 days since we left st Maarten. The docks were all busy so we have been at anchor the last few days. A good way to save money as everything here is expensive but as it’s been windy and the water a b it choppy every trip in the dingy is a bit wet!
Arrival allowed us to catch up with everyone in the fleet. Most had similar experiences to us and motored about the same amount. On corrected time we were about middle of the pack which I’m more than happy with as there are some strong sailors here with good boats and lots of sails.
There have been the usual ARC events, good food and drinks. Last night was the prize giving for leg 1 and we were treated to a performance of the Gombeys Bermudan dance troupe. Amazing rhythm from the constant drumming to support great individual dances and group action. The dance goes back to an artistic expression of the indignities the slaves suffered at the hands of their owners. Gombey is Bantu for rhythm and it was surely that
Today we filled up with diesel again and headed to get more fishing gear for the bits we lost on the trip. Then our time is nearly over. Tomorrow we have the skippers briefing (weather looks light) and final food provisioning before departing on the big one Wednesday lunch time.
As usual the apprehension starts to build but we will be fine. Good boat and good crew and will take it steady and look forward to the Azores.
