Asante - Day 5 of the never ending poem
Day five has come already. So let’s look around and see, what life is like below decks in this humidity. The oranges are faring well. But lemons have gone green. Avacado have turned ripe. With pears somewhere in between. Onions are the worst things, to try and keep their best. While Lettice and tomatoes, lie in the cold fridge chest. We finally started plotting, our route across the sea. The good traditional method. Paper charts on Asante. We’ve also had the sextant out. Each day we take a sight. But sometimes clouds prevent us, from doing as we might. Saying that, my sextants off. I’m sure it can’t be me! Never a user error guys. I’ll pass the buck at sea. Todays exciting thing that happened was we caught a massive fish. A feisty hefty marlin, but for this one we did not wish. We stopped the boat. The line ran out. We almost lost the reel. Ian turned the helm around. But the fish shot under the keel. The fight went on for quite a time. We had resolved to set it free. So much fish we’ve caught to date. We don’t want to be greedy. But in the final struggle, as James with the fish did play. The line went snap, we have no proof. Of the one that got away. Tomorrow promises us more wind. And we need to change our clocks. We’ll start to get the trade winds soon. To reach St Lucia docks.