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Amari - Day 1: So long and thanks for all the fish

Yes, it's midnight and I'm writing a blog post cause that's how it rolls on the Will Watch, lol.

Loved Galapagos, and want to return at some point. But time to go west now.

As a parting gift perhaps, the sea gave us so many fish today! People all through the fleet caught fish today, and the amazing story is that Avril and Allan on Island Wanderer -- who had caught exactly zero fish so far -- had their fishing rod stolen from their boat the night before we left! Awful. But Karl on Remedy stepped up and let them use one of his and ... they snagged a Mahi on the very first day out! I think it's because of the quality of Karl's rod, don't you know? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

If the weather were a book, it would be 50 Shades of Gray. Overcast skies, drizzly spotty rain, and doldrums and feeling like I want to complain to the universe, how long until this is finally done, [whining], make it stop! (also what I felt like through the first chapter of 50SOG, which triggered my literary gag reflex that saved me from chapters 2 and beyond).

So the consensus from the wizards of weather forecasting is that we make some way southwest to get out of these doldrums, hang a Ralphie toward the west around 3 degrees until those southerly cells gtfo, then we gotta hang a Louie to the south to 6 degrees or so because those little pockets of stormy lightning strengthen and then veer south again extending down to 5 degrees (so far!!).

Hey, where's my "Milk Run", where's my easy peasy lemon squeezy downwind champagne sailing? Clearly, I'm going to have to write a strongly worded letter to Andrew bout all dis!

Okay, on board have a game we have made up for this voyage. It's called No Produce Left Behind. Every day, all three of us are going to look at the veg and fruit remaining, get a breakdown of the ETTR on each (estimated time to rot), and make something that prevents us from losing any veg to spoilage.

So optimistic, lol. We'll just see how that goes. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Tonight I caramelized the rapidly ripening remains of the pineapple to go with the perfectly blackened plantains, and the little single serving tuna I snagged. OMG those plantains ... I put them in the oil and it was suddenly smelling like the banana nut pancakes I used to make at home. Where's my bacon, lol!?!

Okay then, I'm off. I'm working on work stuff, doing the nightly exercise thingy, and submitting this blog!!


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