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Cerulean of Penryn - Yacht Cerulean ARC+ Leg 1 Day 5

A good 24hrs with another 134nm under our keel.
We seem to have the downwind rig sorted and more importantly it is taking us down in the right direction down our rhumb line.
Meeting the ARC+ deadline in Mindelo by 17:00 on the 18th November is looking doubtful, but 'it ain't over yet'

Very pleasant overnight with a fayre wind and kind sea not too cold not too hot, great view of the milky way, good sunset and sunrise.

Woke up to a couple for flying fish hitching a ride on deck this morning...they are now on the hook as bait for something bigger.

Current conditions NE force 4, 5-6kts boat speed sea condition slight, blue sky and sunshine with a 3/8 cloud cover.

Yacht Cerulean of Penryn

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