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Mischief - Up to Mischief Log 36 Further adventures of S/Y Mischief through the eyes and ears of Chas Baynes

Saturday 12th May 2018 - Back to Bora Bora

Woke at 0220 as I suddenly had a thought that I hadn't tied the dinghy on properly, then of course you have to get up to check. At last it had stopped raining and the wind had dropped considerably but it had left the dinghy literally half full of water - probably the equivalent of 6 inches of rain in a few hours.

We were up again at 0700 and by 0715 we had the anchor up and were heading for the lagoon exit in 10 knots of wind from the NE, a favourable direction for this channel but even so there were quite large waves hitting us when we went through the narrow gap in the surf. The huge breaking surf waves 15m either side of us only go to demonstrate why this exit is impassable in a wind over tide situation. Even today one incoming wave put us vertical - a wheely in a 50 footer, with the consequent crash as she came back down the other side! But Dave kept driving the boat at maximum revs with eyes shut, fingers crossed and brown adrenalin evident, until we had reached deeper water and we set off towards Bora Bora to pick up our new crew members Rob and Sue, and Trevor once he had seen Jean off.

As we sailed into Bora Bora lagoon we were very fortunate that Blue Pearl was just leaving the Yacht Club moorings and we were able to pick up the only remaining buoy in the anchorage. They were heading back to Tahiti to have their generator fixed; it seems a number of boats are having generator problems for one reason or another. As we were making fast our lines there were Rob and Sue on the dockside so the timings all worked perfectly.

We met them ashore for lunch and introduced them to Kurt and Carole from Ice Bear whose friends by all accounts are reading these blogs - they asked to be mentioned, so here you are. They say 'Hi' to everyone!

We went back ashore for happy hour, albeit the yacht club drinks on offer do not include beer which is a bit of a cheek and is expensive like everything there. Some of the staff seemed less than pleased to have us standing in the bar as they tried to bring food through to the veranda - its just that the lay out is badly designed so the waiters have to walk through the bar area to serve. Bizarre. The upshot was we skipped dinner and had a bag of crisps on the boat. At least we had linked up with Trevor again so now we are six.

Tomorrow we hope to go around the island on bikes and see a bit more of it before we start the preparations for the trip to the Cook Islands and Nuie starting on Tuesday. It depends on the weather as whilst it has been quite sunny this afternoon especially, this evening it has started raining again so, as usual, we shall wait and see.

Sunday 13th May 2018 - Bora Bora Yacht Club, Bora Bora

I am sleeping in the port aft cabin and during the night it rained heavily and one of my hatches was open to let air in which is usually ok as the spray hood is normally zipped up at night - but last night it wasn't and before I knew it a deluge came through the hatch and soaked me. And it continued to rain on and off all night - it's a good job it isn't the rainy season here. Rick from Amara called up Rally Control at 0900 and requested that someone turn off the rain button! So, if you can't beat 'em join 'em, and I went for a swim to shore and back, during which time the sun came out and importantly I spotted an Eagle Ray just off the club jetty - gorgeous creature.

We went ashore leaving Trevor to chill on the boat and walked the considerable distance into town to hire some bikes and go around the island. They only had four serviceable bikes which were fixed gear, big wheels, and a blooming great basket on the front…. oh, if only my triathlon mates could see me now! The fifth bike had to be an electric powered one and Sue had that and sped off out of control - it can do 30kph! The rest of us wobbled on behind until we found the first open bar and stopped for a beer for an hour. At least the rain was holding off for a change. Anyway, after lunch we continued our adventure with a view to cycling around the island, a distance of some 38km. There was only one hill which normally wouldn't be a problem as it wasn't long, and it wasn't particularly steep but on these bikes without proper gears it was a real effort - not for Sue of course who came passed me at a rate on knots hardly moving her legs nor breaking a sweat. At one point I got out of the saddle which then proceeded to turn sideways making it even more difficult to ride. At the bottom of the hill Dave took over the electric bike and we were not even half way around by this time; if anyone needed the exercise?

Anyway, we did indeed make it around the island but half a mile short we stopped at the MaiKai Yacht Club for another beer during which interlude Wendy's back tyre got a puncture! So, Rob nursed the sick bike back to its base with us in hot pursuit, we dumped the bikes and walked the considerable distance back to the boat at Bora Bora Yacht Club. Anyway, Dave announced when we got back that he was knackered. Poor boy, that electric bike was a bit harder work than it looked. A good day out!

The internet is quite good at the yacht club so I am spending the evening sat here doing bits requiring connectivity - including this. But I am being antisocial so I shall call it a day.

Tomorrow is Skippers briefing, generator servicing and victualling with a visit to the Gendarmerie thrown in so as we can leave the French Polynesias. They really have been great and we will have many memories.

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