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Hot Stuff - silvias blog

Muis cachorros, Leo, Timeo, Benja &Julian,

How much I would like to share some of the experiences on board with you, like seeing that majestic whale only a few meters off our starboard side, watching dolphins play for hours, swimming in funny zig zags just in front of the bow, so close that we could almost touch them with our feet hanging overboard. Or be my surprised again and again by how far the flying fish actually fly, sometimes landing in the cockpit or even on one of us, causing screams and laughter, oh my they stink! Life on board is VERY different from what you know from our Croatia cruises. We are only alowed a certain amount of water to drink per person per day, the personal space is extremely limited and the days are tightly structured with watches and different jobs and duties. We are all very busy and little time is left for sleep, rest or to simply watch the waves. Everything is sticky, damp or wet. In one way life on board is very strenuous, mentally and physically challenging.

But in another way this journey is a present to me. As I gradually stop fighting dampness, dirt and chaos and increasingly reduce the amount of stuff and personal space I need, as the rhythm of the sun, moon and stars overcomes any other schedule all the annoyances and inconveniences cease to matter. I feel at peace with myself , I feel free. I think of you four and I am proud of each of you, you make me happy.

Thanks a lot Leo for moving in, I hope you enjoyed living with your little bros for a while. A salty mid ocean hug for Mariana. Special greetings from 14 57,23n 047 30,47w to the 6R kids and teachers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Australia Timeo, big boy all the best for you.
All my love to you Mike

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