Adagio - Log Days 2 and 3-Limerick Day
Day 2 was our settling in day, getting used to seeing each other at our just-out-of-bed-but-on-time-for-my-watch-best. Good sailing most of the day, no whale sightings, 2 tropic birds, and some GREAT CHILI made by Robin. A wonderful uneventful day at sea.
Day 3 is Nautical Limerick Day!! Here are just a few of the NLD winners:
A nautical limerick is easy
As long as your stomachs not queasy
So use every trick
To avoid getting sick
Making limericks is then easy-peasy!
Last night on my watch I had traffic
Not one but two ships-it was grafic
I love AIS
But I won't be a pest
But these ships on my course can cause havoc.
Those two ships that passed in the night
One was all covered in light
Adagio sailed
While Anthem regaled
And soon they were both out of sight.
There was an old sailor named Hun
A naked son of a gun
He did like to swim
When 'ere came the whim
And the kids with his clothes they did run.
The Rally start comes in a hurry
Preparing it all is a flurry
From planning the meals
To scraping the keels
All this flurry and hurry makes me worry.
Where does a ship full of cars go
With all of its shiny new cargo?
With Honda's and Audi's
Bound for some Saudi's
And we need a 5th line for this limerick.
Over the route the radios cackle
The subject gives rise to sailors hackle
The search so elusive
Is not all inclusive
For wind to make the sails crackle.
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