Johanem - Johanem blog 8 May
Hi everyone
Assuming the wind holds this may prove to be our penultimate night at sea before we reach Bermuda about 270 miles away. After a very still first few days we now finally are enjoying a steady SE wind of about 15 knots and are bowling along at about 7 or 8 knots. unfortunately our large beautiful cruising chute has tied itself in knots and cant be used until we get it fixed in bermuda and our tracker device which should automatically update our position on the fleet viewer has been on the blink since we left Tortola.
Happily most other things including the motley crew are working ok although as time passes we discover interesting things about each member. Giles, ex Captain in HM forces led such a moolycoddled life trundling around officers' messes in Germany that he is incapable of opening a tin of corned beef using the opener supplied. Crispin, chef of the day (who mysteriously opted not to eat any of the creation he made tonight suggested Giles should raid the tool kit to find a suitable implement to open the tin. We had to resort to an electric drill!It was susequently decided on Health and safety grounds to bin that tin
Simon's graceful antics on the tossing foredeck have reminded us why the Bolshoi found themselves unable to attract him as a ballet dancer. Ian, shortly to be First Mate on the transatlantic leg when Boo flies home on Sunday, is continuing to familiarise himself with the detail of how the boat works (is it the sharp end that goes in front?
It continues to be an amusing and good natured voyage. The shooting stars have been superb for last 2 nights and the fish have obliged and done the decent thing
Night night to you all and sleep tight
Nick aka Pugwash