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Owner Christopher John White
Design Nauticat 521
Length Overall 15 m 92 cm
Flag United Kingdom
Sail Number GBR3775L

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Salamander - final picture of Tim with Mary & St Lucia flag

Salamander ARC 2022 - final picture of Tim with Mary & St Lucia flagTim with specially commissioned St Lucia flag from Mary the flag ladyimage0. read more...


Salamander - Land Ahoy!

After 20 days at sea we finally spot land off our port bow. At 1835 UTC we spot our first outcrop - Alan who was on watch, questioned, what is that? The answer was that it was St. Lucia, the destination island of our trans Atlantic crossing.As we make our way towards the islands on the giant rolling waves that are crossing under us, their magnificence amplified by the slowly setting sun, we can make out more and more detail.Our waypoint is moving ever closer and we make preparations for our arrival. The equipment we have used on the crossing either cleaned or stowed, including sheets and clothes lines, blocks and tackle.Our ARC number is reattached to the guard rails in preparation for crossing the finish line in a few hours time.Crew instructions are given and we prepare our crew shirts. read more...


Salamander - Hello Mary, The Flag Lady

You may recall at the start of this blog that my mission, apart from sailing across the Atlantic, was to meet up with Mary the flag lady in St. Lucia. I was to bring greetings from friends Bob and Agneta who had met Mary 20 years ago when they had sailed the Atlantic in the ARC.Well today that all came together nicely! I found Mary, sitting in the shade, and close by her brightly coloured flags draped around the trunk of a tree.I introduced myself to her and shared my story, much as I have shared with you the past few weeks.She was delighted to see me and to hear news from Bob and Agneta, who had sent their best wishes via me.Her friend kindly took a photo for us to capture the moment and I can safely report back to Bob and Agneta that Mary is doing well.I ordered a St. Lucia flag from. read more...


Salamander - and Ralph's Reflections on ARC 2022

Well, time has passed astonishingly quickly considering we have travelled almost 3,000 miles at barely jogging pace. The main question I had before coming on this trip was is it possible (for me at least) to sit still for three week? Yes it is, and adapting to it has been a joy. There have been things to do, but the ever changing sea and sky, especially at night, have been mesmerising. I've learnt new knots, how to identify stars and a bit about passage making, such as weather but also big stuff like safety and the importance of leadership and communication. Almost the number one surprise success factor for a group trip like this though goes to freshly prepared food, eaten together, what a treat, thank you Sue!So, now I know that doing more open ocean passages would be feasible and. read more...


Salamander - and finally ... Tim's Reflections on ARC 2022

But before proceeding Sue and I, Alan, Andrew, Clive, Fredrik and Ralph, together the Salamander ARC 2022 Crew, partners and friends ashore and who can know who else, would like to thank Tim for all the time and thought he has put into producing this Pamphlet of the Seas for sailors and non-sailors alike, who may not have crossed an ocean, but just maybe are considering doing so.Thank you Tim.Chris - Salamander Skipperand so finally to Tim's Reflections on ARC 2022................It's been the experience of a lifetime, and it's inspired me to do more in the future. Here are my reflections on this amazing trip.Great sailing achievement - we've crossed an ocean! Totally epic, crossing the Channel will be a different experience now!Benefit of simplicity - life on board has been very simple,. read more...

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