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Salamander - Andrew - Why am I doing ARC 2022?

It has been a long held dream of mine to do an ocean crossing. In fact it has been around in my head for the last 30 years or so but, as we all know, life has a habit of getting in the way of competing demands on our time.

I am doing this for a few reasons but the main two are as follows:-

To complete my Yachtmaster Ocean qualification. I did the theory course just before a rather inconvenient pandemic hit the world. This is the final piece of the jigsaw (Now where did I put that sextant?).

The next reason is that I come from a long line of seafarers. Mostly in the military. My father was in the Navy during the war and his great grandfather served in the Crimean War and I still have his sword and service medals. Mine is the first generation where an ocean crossing in the traditional manner hasn't been done in our family…..until now.

Andrew - Admiral in Waiting and Guest Social Media Editor

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