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Misty Mhor - Misty’s Medical Men & Women. Monday 6th December

The differential diagnosis of the cause of the increase gas usage was not conclusive so surveillance was sent for. No self-respecting Interventional Radiologist would travel without a portable endoscope and fortunately Depstech have produced an inspection camera that links to an iPhone app. See picture of the team all gowned up and ready for the Lazerette laparoscopy. Dr Dugald is also sat here waiting, ready for a resection. While Fiona, using her years of radiography experience, has already decided that the kettle, being on all day making tea, is a more likely cause of the problem. That’s milk with no sugar for me please Fiona.

While on call, Duguld managed to reconstruct the remains of the deconstructed main meals from the last two days. He produced a very tasty lunch. Rissoles all round as they say.

Old Misty feels much more balanced today with an 18 knot wind behind her. The sea is calmer and she is surfing the swell and eating up the miles at around 7.7 knots.

News Lash: Capt Jon spotted the blue water sailors great enemy Chafe had sneaked on board. The sheet attached to the genoa clew (held out to starboard by the pole) is showing distinct signs of wear. We should top and tail it on our next gybe but that could be days away.

Dinner was a Vietnamese specialty curried pork dish with abundant rice. Spices courtesy of the wizard’s world wide wanderings. We believe that this may be the last of the refrigerated meat so the fishing rod was out again.

The calm daytime conditions were replaced by a “topsey turvey , rolley polley” kind of night. Several stealthy sinister squalls crept up on us and gifted us with over 40 knots of wind accompanied by the equivalent of 40 days and nights of rain, enough to put Noah on overtime.

At least the cockpit is looking clean though. The romantics on board certainly picked the wrong night to roll back the Bimini to see the stars. There is no light pollution out here so the night sky can be dramatic. Unfortunately last night’s was dominated by Aquarius.

Now 555 nm to go. The autohelm is playing up a bit though, another job for the endoscope?

Photo Jon and Alistair: The pipe pursuers.


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