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Amari - What it's like

Amazing sailing. That's what it's like. Amazing sailing for days and days.

We are 2200 miles out, spot on the rhumb line for the Marquesas, averaging 7 knots in light airs (thank you southern equatorial current!). The modest winds make for low seas so it's really comfortable sailing as well.

Right now 12:30am, the clouds are broken up so we get some silvery moon on the water, winds 13 to 15 coming from 120 degrees off the port quarter, speeds are about 7.5 will all canvas out.

Perfection. And, we are set to make our first 1000 mile week!!

Okay, on to food! We punted on the leftover boxed wine beef Burgundy bc, as leftovers, it can live to be served another day. But we did need to make inroads on the piles o'chicken we have in there, so we got out the instapot and threw in the chicken and some Moroccan spicing and BAM, it was awesome.

12 minutes for three in-bone leg-thighs, and I made some cous cous to serve it over. Love you Instapot!

Still in the first week out, we are working through the dwindling remains of the fresh stuff too. So tomorrow lunch is salad so we can clear out the jacked up remains to zuchs, cukes, and the last few cherry tomatoes before before they turn. Then for dinner, we have no choice. It's mandatory, obligatory!

It's Tuesday. We're having tacos.

I'll jerk up the fish from the apparently infinite supply of wahoo in the freezer, hack some tomatoes and onions, grate a bit of cheese, make some spicy slaw, squeeze a lime over the top, and a sprinkle of Tabasco for kick. We nabbed some corn tortillas from that main grocery store in Galapagos, so that's that.

Also made the sourdough loaf yesterday, and the flavor is fine, but I can't brown my dang crust!! So you don't get that crispy crunchy tangy yumminess that you're supposed to with these loaves. But I have more starter brewing, so I'll keep messing with it. I think it's just that our stupid oven won't get hot enough, and only goes up to about 375🤨🤨🤨.

Okay, gotta go, time to enter into the log. Be well, sleep well, talk to you tomorrow!!

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