I understand that the Nanny Cay Caribbean 1500 office has closed. Thanks for all you did, Andy and Mia! Have a great vacation!
I have been monitoring the SSB net since I left Nanny Cay, on Wednesday, and have had communications with Wavelength and Surprise.
Tonight, 1900
Wavelength 20 52N 64 14W. Sailing, but not really fast,
Surprise was at 20 28N 64 11W under power,wind E 8-9.
Surprise estimates they will reach Nanny Cay about 1400-1500 tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, November 26, 2011)
Wavelength thinks that they will get there tomorrow, but it may be after dark.
Wavelength is uncertain if their VHF radio works.
Charlie gave them advice on entering Nanny Cay after dark, and suggested to them that they tie up at the fuel dock either day or night if their radio does not work.