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Mischief - Log Day 6: What a difference a day makes

Indeed, what a difference a day makes, a few hours even. Awoke at 0545 to 35 knts Southwesterlies across the deck and beating into a building sea. The low pressure system promised for later enjoyment had shifted East and we were firmly in it!! We had tried tracking further to the South to avoid it but clearly it had sought us out. It was hectic on board Mischief to say the least.

Dave downloaded the weather at 0800 and promptly ordered a tack onto starboard to head directly South as the wind where we were was going to get a whole lot worse and this was bad enough. The sea state was very lumpy and we had been taking some quite large seas over the deck. Down below decks it was very slippery and uncomfortable; Wendy was having a touch of the sea sickness and unfortunately fell over on the way to the heads hurting her bad back again. Really not in a good way altogether. Indeed one slam off a wave moved the washing machine which nearly burst out of its cabinet. Such things have not been properly tested for seaworthiness yet. Cupboards opened on their own and emptied their contents all over the place - I even found a pair of Wendy's knickers trying to find their way into my kit bag.......moving swiftly on!

The weather really has been horrendous all day, especially in the rain squalls where heavy, heavy rain literally flattened the sea. We have been heading South all day to get out of this system and only now, at 1750 has the wind abated a little but we are all confused as to which is the right way to go now given the weather reports have changed so radically on a day to day basis in our region. There is no sign yet of the North Easterly trade winds allowing downwind sailing all the way. What we have had so far is a long way from trade wind sailing unfortunately. But we press on...upwind!!

Hi Ho


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