After making landfall in Mackay the fleet enjoyed a free cruising period before gathering in Darwin ahead of their passage to Lombok. Now the fleet are heading out into the Indian Ocean, first stop Christmas Island then the paradise atoll of Cocos Keeling.
Luckily (and much to the relief of the Yellow-shirt team) infamously dangerous saltwater crocodiles were only seen on the Darwin World ARC Tour! While cruising crew have seen many turtles, dolphins and fabulous coral fish, Eldorado were treated to an encounter with an enormous blue whale.

Every edition of the World ARC has visited Tipperary Waters Marina and Dinah Beach Yacht club, as testified by the complete set of rally flags in lockmaster’s office. With bio-security checks complete at Cullen Bay. The fleet enjoyed getting back together for a crew supper and dockside sundowners.
Approaching Medana Bay proved to be quite a challenge after an otherwise rather windless passage to Lombok. However, the headwinds, adverse tide and scores of tiny unlit fishing boats were quickly forgotten as crews were embraced by the warm hospitality of the Medana Bay Team.

The Medana Bay team refuelled the fleet super efficiently, maximising time for diving in the Gilli islands, hiking in the mountains, planting coral in Medana Bay and even allowing time to relax and enjoy fine Indonesian food at the Sailfish Café.
Today we all enjoyed the spectacle of the first of two fleet starts with SALT as committee vessel, the rest of the fleet leave tomorrow and we are all looking forward to Christmas!