Rhapsody - Rhapsody - Day 13: Three days to weather
It’s day 13 on Rhapsody. We are halfway across the Atlantic. The spinnaker is packed away. The galley’s stove remains fixed at a steep and constant angle with its countertops. And my Fitbit has logged 37,000 steps during my sleep. I can now say with some certainty that trade winds are an elaborate ruse concocted to lure sailors into a false sense of security when volunteering to sleep in the V-berth on passage.
As the wise saying goes: “A gentle person never sails to weather.” Luckily for the crew of Rhapsody, gentle is not how one would describe us. We are collectively approaching 100,000 miles at sea with many memories of the North Pacific still fresh in the minds of several onboard. We are a collection of salt-crusted souls with backgrounds as varied as our eclectic tastes in music. Yet we are unified in resolve; we remain steadfast in our yearning for Caribbean Sun, Rum and Tobacco (not necessarily in that order). And so we sail on, to windward, undeterred. In the words of the late Captain Jack Aubrey, we have bent every sail, “and we’ll pull out our handkerchiefs if we have to!” Onward to Weather and to Saint Lucia!
Vero, te amo, nos vemos pronto!
On an unrelated note, the crew unanimously agrees that my repairs to the fruit baskets are the best of all attempts thus far.