Please be aware there are once again fake ARC Atlantic Rally for Cruisers Facebook profiles posting content impersonating us. Please do not add them as friends, or for your online safety, click on any of the links in the posts.

The images below are of two posts that went out over the weekend on one of the FAKE pages - the imagery has been taken directly from content we have posted our official ARC Atlantic Rally for Cruisers Facebook page, but the text contains links to non World Cruising Club content.
We continue to report these profiles to Meta - but the more reports they get the better... please help us close the pages down by reporting them.
Please note, we will never send you a Friend Request - only Facebook profiles can send these - as a business we have Facebook pages, which can only be liked and followed.
Below are links to our official social media challenges:
Facebook Pages
Tag @World Cruising Club
Tag @ARC Atlantic Rally for Cruisers
World ARC
Tag @World ARC
Tag @arc_rally
World ARC
Tag @world_arc_rally