100 ARC boats have now crossed the finish line in Rodney Bay and made their way into the Marina to receive their long awaited welcome Rum Punch on arrival. All boats have been guided to a berth inside the marina day or night and given a warm welcome from the ARC team and Saint Lucia Tourist Board. With 100 Arc boats now tied up, the atmosphere on the docks and surroundings drinking establishments have certainly come alive with sun kissed windswept sailors.
Last night ARC participants enjoyed some top entertainment as a traditional Fete Creole took over the board walk with dancing and live music in real carnival style. The dancers and musicians provided a great show before local band Evo-Lucian stepped up and played two hours of quality music to an enthusiastic crowd of ARC participants and locals. After this show, many retired to their cabins for some much needed rest however for others the night was just getting started as they made the short walk to the Gros Islet Street Party for a true Caribbean ‘Jump-Up’.

Today, ARC boats continue to roll in and take up berths in the ever-filling marina. Each rally entrant receives two complimentary nights then a 15% discount after that. The rally team and dock staff work hard to fit every boat in safely and ensure they get any services they may require.
One of the most recent arrivals was the Pogo 8.50 Pollux (FRA), which sailed across the finish line at 09:25:31 local time this morning. The double-handers of Chloe & Antoine showed great determination as seamanship after their boat was dismasted in a strong squall some 105NM from Saint Lucia. With only 50 litres of Diesel, they managed to fix a jury rig and sail to Saint Lucia crossing the finish line under sail. The two young sailors seemed very relaxed on arrival and were overwhelmed by their warm welcome on the dock.

Chloe & Antoine from Pollux (FRA) Yacht Pollux (FRA) cross the finish line in Rodney Bay
Congratulations to all boats which have completed the ARC this year, and we look forward to welcoming in the remaining 115 boats over the next few days.
Texel retires to Barbados: The largest ARC boat in the event this year 'Texel' retired during the night after experiencing a fire onboard about 60NM from Barbados. The boat diverted to Barbados and is now safely at anchor where they will seek repair work. The Coast-Guard has been onboard and controlled the situation. All crew are ok and happy for all the support they have received over the past 24 hours.