Indulgence - 'Aslyum Indulgence' or 'When good crew go bad'
Thursday 6th December
Current Position: N 18o 05'.833 W 38o 40".129
Current Speed : 7.3 knots
Distance to finish at Saint Lucia : 1301 nm
* * * * *
'Aslyum Indulgence' or 'When good crew go bad'
The blog has become topic of the day, especially since we are completely ignorant of what is going on in the outside world. This afternoon a notebook was handed around, with all crew members asked to write a line in the effort to compose a limerick of some sort for our readers. Read on, and ask yourself, is it time to be a bit worried about crew mentalities at this stage, or will we make it one piece? Can you guess who wrote what?
Captain Blood, Scully, Esmerelda and Bob Johnny Smart Pants
With dreams of coconuts a plenty and lobster thermador.
Are we there yet?
We added a bit of colour to our own 200 sq metre of Mid Altantic today
But no one to see it
Yet, we will keep on going to where the sun keeps shining
No longer finding a trail of jettisoned bananas
Skipping over the ocean like stones
Weather conditions are very much like a wet day in West Cork right now. Cloudy, rainy yet very sticky and hot. Just a bit miserable really (poor us!). We've flown the spinnaker for almost the whole day and are expecting lighter airs tonight. Drive on. We are on a one way ticket to Rodney Bay, St Lucia and hopefully there within another seven or eight days.