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NaughtyNes - Blog Day 10

The skipper asked me to do a Blog - things were going so nicely up to this point (apart from the peppers which I will discuss a little later) anyway I told him I'd already had one today thanks not that it had anything to do with him. "Blog" where did that word come from? So now that I understand what he really wants I can elaborate on the peppers in my defence. I have been given the envious task to be head cook for this little journey across the pond. First question was "is there anything that you don't like to eat?" Not a particularly taxing question for the grey matter on these quite grey haired guys (except Nick who is just hair), "I'll eat anything" was the general response. Well I know the skipper does not do "Dead Animal Shit" but doesn't mind us executing poor little fishes to be  placed in front of him at dinner. So off I go to the market in Las Palmas for the fruit and veg provisions. Luckily Nick had briefed me on the provision seminar (half a ton of food and water per person) where they stressed to allow for 30 days (bit short if you ask me based on the present winds - but don't tell my misses). So at the market I wandered about squeezing and sniffing the F&V and to my luck some elderly lady took me to some back rooms where her what must have been great grand son showed me all the provisions he was putting together for other boats and what luck he spoke English.
First question from him was how many on board and then we went through the list and quantities - apples; bananas; pineapples; grapes; clementines; oranges; pears; tomatoes; mangos and melons - we were going to be such healthy bunnies. Then we went through the veg - potatoes; peppers; carrots; leeks; peppers; cabbages; green beans; cucumbers; iceberg lettuces; aubergines; onions and did I mention peppers? Plus essentials such as fresh Corriander, parsley; chives and basil. The 19 crates turned up while I was out, most of it was correct but I could'nt remember ordering as many as 50 peppers. Now then, my first meal prepped at sea was a prawn stir fry with spaghetti,  I was feeling a little delicate due to the heat in the galley and the rolling motion of the boat but anyway the food was turned out - "I don't like peppers as they repeat on me" was offered by Nick, ok that's 12+ peppers I can discard without feeling guilty. The other two also "were not that bothered" - now they tell me! I had a nervous feeling about the peppers after out last meal out the night before where the restaurant had an open fire roasting peppers which were served up with our meals - well I liked mine but the others left theirs - why? They are great prepared in so many ways.
It became apparent that the general consensus was something out of a packet would be fine as we have a microwave on board - FM! Plenty of flying fish, one flew through the main cabin window last evening  and landed directly on Nick's laptop while he was using it - used my tea-towels to remove it!
Most amazing for me, the phosphorescence in the sea at night - lots of flashing lights in the water when it is disturbed by the boat or the dolphins who leave a trail of lights behind them - science fiction! Apart from that, we have had a good day sailing with direct course to St.  Lucia, the winds have picked up well since this morning and have maintained good winds all day.
Bye for now, Nigel and the Naughty Boys
PS I'm going off peppers fast!

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