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NaughtyNes - Log days 7 and 8

Early yesterday morning as dawn broke and were becalmed, Nick told us of the sea and wind God Hewy and his story when becalmed during the 1976 Hobart race. The skipper had called on Hewy for some wind and as part of the tradition through some coins into the sea as an offering. A few hours later there were in the middle of a massive gale with huge waves and breaking tops.

Nick then made his offering to Hewy to send us some wind and threw some coins into the sea. And Hewy has delivered - 36 hours of 18 -25 knots of wind, 2 Mt waves and 6 mt swell. Unfortunately Nick forgot to tell Hewy the direction of the requested wind ( or he cheap skated on the offering) and it is bang on the nose from the SW. However it is better than no wind and we are maintaining a good speed although more north than we would like.

One casualty of the bouncy ride is the cook as Nigel almost immediately went down with quite bad sea sickness. He is a little better today bless him. Meals have become the more usual ships fare of the random contents of tins most close to hand in a big pot. It will probably be a day or 2 before Nigel is ready to start cooking again and the rest of us are grateful for a few days without peppers.

Last night on watch there we a loud "twack" and Paul was smacked squarely in the forehead by something. He was OK and we thought it may have be a fitting off the mast as at that time we had 30 Kts apparent over the boat. 30 mins later Paul was sitting on the other side of the cockpit when "twack" and
this time he was hit on the back of the head. Turning round the culprit was clear to see - a flying fish. A little dazed it was returned to the sea, a lucky fish as on a calmer day it would probably ended up in the frying pan.

Blue skies, and very warm. If anyone following us would like to have a little word Hewy and throw a few coins into the sea, a little bit of northerly in our wind would be much appreciated.

Dave and the Naughty Boys

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