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Tonic - Day 5: I Spy With My Little Eye

Been a very quiet 24 hours, no visits from dolphins or whales today. Still struggling with the fishing. It would help if someone knew what they are were doing. We caught another ugly monster from the deep last night, looked like the other one's twin brother, I hope their parents don't come looking for us as their teeth are pretty fierce. We've put a different lure out today in the hope of catching that elusive tuna.
We've only seen one yacht in the last day... I thought it was safety in numbers but any one we see just tries to get away from us! I'm assured by the skipper that the rest of the fleet are just over the horizon in all directions.
I have received the most emails of all of us. I can't help being popular but the crew are becoming envious and threatening to throw me overboard!
We are informed by email by the landlubbers following the ARC that we are near the back of the fleet, but we think we are higher up the field. Our current expected day of arrival is 25th Dec! What they don't know is that we have a plan, where not sure what it is but all will become clear.
The skipper has taken to running the engine to re-charge the batteries at night just after I have managed to get my head down after overcoming the rocking motion and noise of the water slapping the side of the boat. I daren't complain he has been rather grumpy of late and he is a big man and the thought of walking the plank does not appeal to me! It's his prerogative as the skipper and as cabin boy I am way down the chain of command. I will resort to burying my head in my pillows and clamping my music player to my ear (as I forgot my headphones) in an effort to obliterate the noise.
Looking out to sea and sky with nothing eventful can be a tad boring at times. We have run out of 'S's in our game of I spy and are now resorting to counting our pomegranate seeds to find out who has the most.
 I'm off to count mine now!
Roz (cabin boy)

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