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Dances With Waves - Log Day 14

Great night sailing.Average 6 knts and now very nearly on 1800 miles completed in two weeks.I'm not going to predict an ETA but its much better than we ever imagined when we set out 2 weeks ago from GC.
Where do the days go? I know you all think what a lazy old adventure.Get up have brekkies read a book have lunch read some more have dinner and then select straws for shift times.
Had some major thunderstorms the night before last.Lightening going off all night long.luckerly a long way ahead of us.
Weve given the fishing a rest as we have got more than enough mahu mahu and need some red meat.
Tough questions being asked on board such as how long can a boiled sweet last...why is the moon cut off from the bottom rather than the side.
How to make a decent filter coffee in between wave swells.
Mind boggling stuff.
sorry about lack of pictures but satphone takes too long to download.

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