Adina - One fish, two gybes, three whales and over 1000 miles.
It’s Day 10 and we are making good progress - over 1000 miles sailed and less than 2000 to go. We’re currently back on port gybe after a few days on starboard.
We have all been busy at times but finding time to relax and read, sleep or listen to audiobooks. Pete and Carole should tonight find out whodunnit in their audiobook by Peter James, the first in the Roy Grace series, called Dead Simple. The other crew only get to hear snippets of the tale as they are trying to sleep, but it sounds thrilling - we will review the whodunnit in our next blog.
We have continued to sail wing-on-wing, which gives good speed but causes the boat to roll and makes sleeping difficult. Yesterday saw a split appear in the Genoa in 15kts of breeze. We poled out the stay sail whilst we took the Genoa down and patched it up.
Andy has finally managed to catch a small Mahi Mahi - within minutes of landing, it joined the frozen pollock we had brought with us and Pete created a butter pan-fried dish with a tomato and pepper jus - delicious.
Sunday saw another highlight of the week - the crew freshwater shower. Never have any of us used so little water to have a shower - but we all smelt sweeter afterwards.
The breadmaker has continued to deliver fantastic fresh bread and Carole has extended it repertoire by using it for great fruit cake which has been well received by the crew.
We have seen numerous small and larger seabirds - we forgot to include in the Dropbox a bird book so we could name them! More dolphins arrived yesterday afternoon and Andy videoed dozens from the bow playing in the surf - a truly memorable sight. Today we were honoured to be inspected by three pilot whales, which circled around Adina twice and leaping out the water before continuing on their way.
Flying Fish are now a regular sight and our crew discussion recently is whether a group of airborne flying fish remain a shoal or become a flock - let us know what you think in the comments below.
In summary, we are all fine, are in good spirits, are eating well and continue to head west.