Day 5 of our Atlantic Crossing coincided with Thanksgiving! We had planned ahead to have a proper Turkey Day feast (albeit with sliced turkey breast and chicken drumsticks). We made several traditional sides including Joy's family favourite: Orange Death (sweet potato and carrot puree with LOTS of butter and creme fraiche.) We had calm seas for the whole day, perfect for spending a lot of time in the kitchen. The Poole Family turkey hats came out and the After Eight game was played! (Put an After Eight on your forehead and it's a race to see who can get it into their mouth the fastest - without using your hands!) It turns out that this is trickier in warmer climates as the chocolate can melt to your face, making progress very difficult! It was PJ's first ever Thanksgiving and a very special one for all of us.
Day 6 - calm seas again! The wingaker is up and we're moving slowly along. We've started moving further south in an attempt to pick up some stronger winds. We had a delicious mahi mahi that PJ caught for dinner!
Day 7 - Still very calm, which is great...but boy we could do with a bit more wind. Plodding along at 5-6 knots. We're now in range with a few other ARC boats. We've also seen some fishing nets at night. Hoping a few more of those fish will jump aboard Pure Joy soon!
It's looking like this trip could take a bit longer than we originally planned!