Blonde Moment - thursday 25 may ..Where has all the wind gone!!
Blonde Moment Boat Log
Thursday, May 25th, 2023
On Tuesday we sailed into a high pressure system and our wind died a painful death, and the iron sail (motor) was started. The wind indicator resembled a confused roulette wheel. Wednesday evening as the sun was setting, the water was like glass and there wasn't enough wind to blow out a birthday candle. When you think of the things that can happen on an Atlantic crossing (squalls, rain, big seas) sailing through water that is like a bathtub isn't on the list. The water and the sky blended together at the horizon making it difficult to tell the difference between the two.
On Wednesday evening (still motoring - no wind), as the cloudy red sunset reflected on the water, we had dinner in the cockpit, and the wildlife started to appear all around us. Pilot whales, fin Whales, dolphins, jumping tuna and big clusters of 30-40 Portuguese man-o-war were spotted regularly, and the photos we took of the sunset looked like paintings. We all stayed on deck for several hours watching the show. Into the night the water was so calm that starlight reflected on the water like a mirror, with the moon and Venus setting before midnight. Even though it is frustrating not to be sailing, this experience was incredible.
Thursday morning the winds finally came back, and we are thankfully gently sailing with our code zero and full main (generally) in the right direction. It rained for less than a minute today and it is the first rain to hit the deck in almost a month. Today was pizza day (thanks Paul) and different lures are being put out in the hope of finally catching a fish. We are nearing the 2/3 mark, and everybody is doing well. The sun is shining, and we have the music on
.what could be better? More wind of course! See you in Horta..... Eventually we hope!
Chief Medicak Officer