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Tilda - A night of meteorites and a night of squalls

The last 2 nights had been characterized by very adrenalinic watches. Yesterday the first ones to be shocked were Iva and Teo, when staring at the sky full of stars they saw a big flash followed by a fireball that soon divided in 3 smaller parts that slowly collapsed. Iva called Yacht Blumoona, not far from us, to check if they saw something and the guy added that they also heard a bang. Wow!
The shift after, in the cockpit there were Ale, Rui and Francy. The white flash they saw was very similar to a flare, that possibly could have been sent by a boat following our Tilda, visible on the AIS (but no named). Francy called the vessel in that position but no answer. Before getting anxious, again the Blumoona guy replied saying that that was not a flare, not a firework, but “a comet”. Christmas is coming to the Caribbean!!

So the topic of yesterday chats on board was meteorites, comets, asteroids, aliens and other forms of life in the Universe.

Secondly we had a long session to adjust the sails and the final decision produced a scenografic “goose wing mode”, or as we call it in Italy: “ad ali di farfalla”. Perfect set for photo session at sunset.

Before dinner the waves decreased so Captain Fabri decided to entertain his crew with the movie “Kontiki”. Very nice atmosphere, except the fact that it was half in English and half in Norwegian with subtitles too small to be read :D
After dinner the night shifts started with A LOT of squalls. But the strongest one happened just after sunrise, Fabri at the helm and Rui getting buckets of water and heil!

Nice showers for Tilda, that needed to be cleaned a bit.

Today the conditions are simply amazing: good wind, nice waves, good course at good pace. And the crew’s mood is at his best.

Los Tildamigos


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