Jubilate Mare - Fish Fryday!
Welcome everyone, not many more Blogs to come from this crossing as we really are nearly there. We now have less than 300 miles to go.
We are sailing serenely, our boat is beautifully balanced and the weather wonderfully warm. We have passed through a couple of squalls and I've captured a picture of a rainbow - peeping out from under our cc. I also took an artistic shot of the colourful chute reflected in a winch drum.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so the rod was cast again. Within a very short space of time 'Fish! Fish!' was gleefully shouted. This time Tom was in charge of the net and successfully landed a mahi mahi - aka dolphin fish. It was quickly dispersed with a shot of Fish Killer (double strength rum) to its gills and filleted. The rod went back in and was soon whirring. However, this was small fry so taken off the hook and returned to its watery home. Next another mahi mahi took the bait - a similar size to the first. Can you guess what we will be eating today? NO prizes!! As I had thought the catch cheered the crew up no end. It would have been tragic not to have caught anything after 3 weeks at sea.
Our last time 'slip' happened yesterday, so our clocks are now the same as SL; no further adjustments necessary. At last night's Happy Hour we had a jolly jug of sangria and I think it may well be repeated this evening as it was such a success.