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Saoirse - Saoirse Diaries-3-let the games begin

The Saoirse Diaries

Let the games begin

Tomorrow, or rather today should I say, (it’s 1.30am as I type), the ARC+ office opens for official registration. Man am I psyched. I can’t honestly believe it, it’s all still so surreal. Just think I said to Wolf today, in 4-5 weeks we will be in the Caribbean, and we will have sailed there ourselves.

To be perfectly honest, it doesn’t matter how often I say that it never really computes! We are sailing across the Atlantic baby, a dream I have had with me since ever I can remember growing up by the sea and around boats and spending every Summer on the water and down in the Yacht Club. It’s happening, and to make it infinitely cooler than I ever could have dreamt it myself, I am doing it with my little family. My Wolf and our two Wolf cubs. What an adventure for a family eh? Intense, challenging, but oh so cool. We are lucky indeed.

Óisin is of course a little young to remember anything of it (although I have no doubt the whole experience on board is having a massive influence on him and will shape who he grows up to be), but Cúisle? she will remember and it will mould her.

When I was her age our family spent two months over Christmas in South Africa with my Granny, my dad’s mum. Getting to know her and my dad’s family and where he grew up a little better. That experience had such an immense impact on me, on who I am, on how I think about the world it’s actually not possible to put it into words.

The world was not such a small place in those days as it is today. The exotic fruits hanging on trees in my granny’s back garden, peaches, apricots, plums, were not readily available in the shops in Ireland. I had never seen nor tasted them before. My first experience of all three was picking them fresh from the tree for breakfast. The colour of the earth and the people and the clothes they were so far from what you would see on the streets in Dublin it blew my mind, opened my mind and was the foundation for so many of the choices I have made in life, and roads I have taken. I have such a strong and clear memory of so much of it and it was only 2 months. I know, beyond doubt, Cúisle will remember this time. The years we spend together on board. She will remember the friends she made from all over the world, the adventures that life on board facilitates. She will remember exploring different worlds, foods and smells, that whole sensory explosion that is travel and it will stay with her forever.

The full programme kicks off tomorrow. A week of events, BBQ’s, parties and also some of the more serious stuff like safety seminars. My mum and aunt, who have always supported me in everything I have ever done, also arrive tomorrow to help with the kids during this last exciting and busy week, and to live it all a little with us. To feel the excitement in the air, and the momentum building. To be part of this awesome adventure. This life changing experience.

We are still busy everyday with jobs big and small to make sure we are as ready as we ever could be. The last couple of days were particularly exciting. We had the rigging guys from Alisios on board helping with our pole set up for our new all singing, all dancing downwind butterfly sail. The Blue Water Runner from Elvstrom, designed specially with trade wind sailing in mind. What a privilege it was to have had them on board. So professional, knowledgable and such precision and pride in their work. I can’t tell you how psyched I am to get out on the water and try it all out. When exactly we will manage that in between all that is going on this week I don’t know, but just the thought of it makes my heart beat faster in my chest, my pulse race and a perma-grin creep across my face. Sailing man, it just turns me on.......

New boats are arriving daily filling up the marina with ARC flags. Tomorrow all the ARC plus boats will dress their boats from bow to stern with the colourful international code flags. I know just seeing that will raise the adrenaline levels. It’s on baby, the countdown is really on.

Our first stop on the crossing are the Cape Verde islands. There our kids will see a very different way of living and lifestyle. They will see beauty in the people and the place but also poverty and hardship. I hope it makes them reflect on how blessed they both are. I hope they see the resilience and resourcefulness of the people living as they do in such a harsh environment. I have so many hopes and dreams about the whole adventure, mainly of course I hope that we arrive safely on the other side.

As I think about all that lies before us over the next month or so, I have one of my favourite poems running through my mind. The Road less Traveled by Robert Frost, or two particulars lines from it to be precise:

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I? I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference”

Don’t you just know it baby....and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Since writing this we have registered and have our official number, no turning back now!

By: Aisling Fenix


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