Yep, it’s all about rock and roll on yacht Ruby Rose- and not in a good
Swell and a constant 20-25 knots, gusting 30, has made life on Ruby Rose
ever so slightly tedious. Dare I say it, but these are not the conditions I
signed up for! Especially since Nick and I are very much ‘fair weather sailors’!
No-one on board has been getting any decent sleep, and meals have been a bit hit
and miss in terms of quality. Not easy producing a gourmet feast when you can
barely keep your footing in the galley!
However, I’m thrilled to announce that this morning has heralded a change
in the weather. The swell has reduced markedly and the sun has come out, so
everyone’s in shorts and t-shirts for the first time since leaving Las Palmas!
John and Neil are already on their second books- not sure how they managed that,
I’ve barely read two chapters of mine! Slackers.
We poled out the jib this morning and are now sailing goose-winged in
roughly a westerly direction. Still getting about 20 knots of wind from behind,
so not quite ready to hoist the Parasailor yet. Doing about 7 knots with this
current configuration, so we’re happy.
Only issue is that our hydrogenerator is only producing 4 amps, rather than
the 10 we were expecting. This hasn’t impacted us too much as of yet, but not
sure how all my baking plans are going to go. I had big plans for freshly baked
bread every day, and perhaps the odd banana or lemon cake.
Will report back on the baking situation within the next couple of days.
Oh, and the sailing, of course.
Nick, Terysa, Neil and John.