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Northern Child - Blog Day 16

Very light air during the day threatened to push back our ETA at St. Lucia on Thursday by more than a couple of hours.  We first tried the a-symmetrical kite to give us some additional power, but it forced us to sail a bit too high a course for our destination (we will visit Cuba on some other occasion!), so the afternoon watch changed it to a symmetrical spinnaker and correct our course to a 270 degrees or due West, a bearing straight for the two Pitons.  Winds are picking up to to a nice 20 Kts as I write this and our current ETA is now around 2 PM local time Thursday. 
Another treat this last night at sea is the fact that we have a relatively late moonrise and clear skies dotted with millions of stars, an equal delight for the amateur astronomers as well as the purely romantics among us.  
Conversation these last few days remains dominated by what to expect in St. Lucia, what to do first when we get there, where to stay onshore or how traumatic a return to "normal" life will be for some. Even if the experience will have been different for each and everyone of us, the impact will have been profound for us all.  We are already talking of a reunion a year from now, perhaps sailing on a smaller sea than the Atlantic Ocean, e.g. the Med or the North Sea. 
Another highlight of the last full day-sail was Laura's ascend to the top of the mast to inspect the rigging and take some great pictures and videos. Not for sufferers of vertigo, but obviously an amazing experience for those who don't. 
Position: 14.28.835N: 59.17.275W

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