Second Wind - Message from Chris Diggins
If I hear one more Popeye joke the crew concerned will be forced to eat a raw onion just before he greets his wife on the pontoon on Wed. We have plenty of them. Onions, I mean. It started with that daily imperative, fresh bread. With the dough resting and tidy-up underway the olive oil was secured in a bin on non-slip matting. Cue rock and roll, our downwind curse, and as the motion of the boat made us feel like kittens in a tumble dryer cue olive oil bottle sumersaulting over both sinks and landing at just the right angle to spurt its contents over the saloon floor. Cue bread dough and tin cartwheeling across the galley to of course land upside down on the floor. Now, when kitchen roll was provisioned there was much criticism of the amount. We now have one roll left and a beautifully oiled wooden floor.
So - olive oil - olive - Popeye - geddit? Ho Ho.
And the bread when eventually cooked? 4 out of 10. FYI crew - Today is not a good day to criticise. Tomorrow is not looking good either.