Joy of Shamrock Quay - Slow progress in light winds
Slow progress overnight with very light winds, we left 'The Big Fella' out to make the most of what little wind we had, around 8-10 knots. Yesterday was a very cloudy squally day, we had rainy angry clouds both sides of us for most of the day and evening. I was on watch from 3 til 6 am, and had a big black cloud go overhead with the prevailing wind so enjoyed 20 minutes of 15-20 knots. The moon was very bright and there were many bright stars to be seen in between the rows of clouds, apart from the brief 9 knots of boat speed during the gust, we were generally achieving 4.5-5 knots on a sea resembling a lake. Not the Atlantic I was expecting!
Waking today to sunshine, fair weather cumulus and a very flat sea, my bread is rising in the heat of the day and both fishing rods are out now that the towed generator has been brought in due to lack of speed. Winds are now even lighter, as I look at the dials we have 2 knots of apparent wind gracing our flapping, ungrateful sails and time to go is now showing at 12 days when it had 8 days 24 hrs ago, best not to look. The Bimini has gone up to protect the cockpit and crew from the suns rays, magazines and books are being read and VMG is continually a source of conversation. I haven't seen any wildlife at all today, plenty of birds about yesterday but no dolphins or whales for at least a couple of days now.
Cloud formations have resumed their number one position in my list if things that fascinate me, it is funny how simple things that you would not even notice in 'normal everyday life' become your focus when sailing offshore, you notice the colour of the sea, the movement of the waves, random sea birds miles from anywhere, and the shapes of clouds. Simple pleasures!