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Ca Canny - Day 2- Still tumbling!

Position: 25:23'58"N 17:51'54"W
Second day at sea and it's a little rockier than expected honestly. Last night after I wrote that last post we had to reduce the sails, taking down the foresail entirely and heavily reducing the mainsail, as the wind was getting a bit too high and we were going a little too fast. Today the wind is down a bit but still a decent swell which is making cooking pretty impossible, it's just been sandwiches until this evening when Charlie managed to get some frozen pizzas in the oven. Smithy has been rather seasick too, which I forgot to mention yesterday, but this evening he arose for a little while and managed some pizza.
Another positive- we saw dolphins! It was very rough at the time so no pictures sadly (even though I haven't been able to get pictures on this laptop to send out anyway) but these dolphins were different to ones I've seen before, very clear markings of black on the top and white on the bottom, we have a small identification sheet which indicates that they might be common dolphins, but definitely something I will investigate further.
That's all for now, I hope to be reporting a calmer day tomorrow!
- Izzy

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