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Morgane of Sark - sunny sunday

It’s already Sunday night, we are loosing track of days and dates. Just tracking miles and follow the ritm of our watch schedule…

We have had nice sailing conditions the last 24 hours. Although, we are in “squal” country now and we had a lot of water pouring out of the sky for a short period last night. No wind shift or sudden increase, fortunately. But, we had to close all the windows rapidly. It was warm inside with everything closed, as it is around 30 degrees in the cabin… That is, with all the windows open and with all of our fans running.. So, we don’t like the rain and closed windows.

The boats we communicate with on the VHF or SSB have also encountered squals already. Again, we took our cutter jib down for the night, so we only have to role in the genua when needed.

Other news of the day…. Herco wrote a nice half way poem! The girls think that once he learns to play the ukelele, he should turn it into a song 😀.

Elvira uses her time on the ocean to work on the online course she is developing.

And….. (drum beating…….) We are preparing a “Life on the Morgane of Sark” podcast. Keep you posted on that one!

What else? Mila did some handcrafting and made a Captain Hook hand. Something with the Pirates of the Caribbean…

And Merel finished her 3rd book in a week!

We had “stamppot” for dinner. Typical Dutch winter food. With mashed potatoes.

There are huge patches of sea weed floating on the ocean. Like islands. We are only catching sea weed when fishing. Boats around us complained about problems with their Watt and Sea (so problems with their energy supply) or steering problems with their hydro vane due to the sea weed.

And, we had a speed record this morning. Surfing of a wave, we had a SOG of 12 knots!

We are satisfied with our average speed the last 24 hours. More than 6,5 miles per hour.

Current position:
N 11* 59 64
W 45* 39 77

Current SOG 6,5 - 7,5, COG 274 degrees.
Sails: butterflying with main on port side and Jib boomed on star board side.

We sailed 1239 miles, still 950 to go to Grenada.

Still enjoying the ocean life. But, starting to look forward to “arrive” already also!

Xxx Crew Morgane of Sark

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