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Hot Stuff - 27:22.279N 16:05.195W

Sailed though the night and wind has picked up to a nice 12-14knts from the NE so making some ground south looking at the weather forecast which seems to build later north but gets lighter until we get to the Easterlys we want.

We had a good sail against SOL and PS5 until they both seemed to give up furl their Jibs and Code zeros and motor off from us at 7 knots. Seemed odd to give up so early at sailing.

Sun set and sun rise were amazing and lots of shooting stars with a fairly clear nights sky. Some Phosphresence (can't spell that) in the water. We still have a couple of boats in sight although off to the side.

No phone signals now as the masts disapeared.

Onwards we go with the hills slowly disappearing behind.


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