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Johanem - Johanem Thursday 8pm

We are making steady progress towards the Azores and everything hoped for has materialised, dolphins,starry nights, flying fish and landed fish. According to Nick the best way of despatching a Skipjack tuna is to give it whisky which seems to be his solution to most problems, whereas Graham prefers the knife in the head approach. Anyway it was delicious and worthy of Positanos on a good night. I was a bit queasy to start with as was Gus but we are both fine now and hopefully ready for whatever the voyage has in store. Heading north gooswinged looking for more wind. Nicks mood has improved since he found out what was wrong with Harry the Hydrovane and fixed him so morale high heading into our second night.

ps Ian would like to apologise to all those accused of taking his phone charger. He has found it... but wonders who has his Wolf Hall book...!


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