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Daily Logs

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Epiphany - Day 10

Charlie is back feeling good and into the watch rotation. As a result I got 7 hours continuous sleep last night. Thank you crew. Sleeping at 30deg incline while bouncing is never easy. For me the best place is actually on the floor between the table and the sofa, with lots of cushions to wedge me in so I can’t move. Since it’s the lowest point in the boat is moves the least. Today sailing was good. Started off light and against current. At one point we were sailing forwards but going backwards with the current. The autopilot was very confused. This afternoon was much better and we keep a steady 7-8knots through the water. 8+ over ground as current is with us. We have this wind till tomorrow lunch and after that it’s going to be light. Maybe a motor for the last few days. Looks like. read more...


Epiphany - The Ocean

A baby blue skyDotted with puffs of whiteA deep blue oceanTopped with horses of whiteA lone yacht small as a speckGliding atop the undulating blueThree adventurers aboardFlying the flags of red, white and blueThe majestic wind filling the sailsPulling tight the sheet of redAn invisible power pulling us homeIn our way no stoplight of redDolphins play out at the bowTheir skins a covered in dotted greyA welcome company in this vast spaceKeeping our hearts warm and not greyThe sound of the waves hitting the bowA continuous wake of bubbling whiteThe rhythm of a life at seaHelping us to remember life is alright. read more...


Epiphany - Day 8

It was another difficult night, this time dealing with light winds. It would blow 10-12 knots for 10 mins and the drop to 5. So the boat would move for a while but then stop and all the sails would bang. We really didn’t want to use any more diesel so we had a rule if the wind doesn’t come back within 10 mins then engine comes on. So many times we did this and then 5 minutes later engine off. Kind of frustrating. It also meant I didn’t get much sleep as I was up and down helping with sail trim and decision to use the engine or not. Finally this morning the wind stabilised and we could set the sails for a while. It seems we just made it into the west of the low pressure. Giving us nice 10-15 knots on the beam. We need a boat speed of 5.5-6 knots to keep progressing through this wind. read more...


Epiphany - Day 7

The weather has eased and life aboard is a bit more comfortable. Yesterday evening I made a tough decision. We could see on the weather that the high pressure we had been on the east side of for a few days was starting to come south. This meant that the wind for getting more and more easterly and our course more and more southerly. Ahead of us is a stationary low pressure. It’s detached from the jet stream and there should not move for a few days. It was critical for our trip to get attached to the west side of this low and pickup NW winds that would give us a beam reach into Horta. However the further south we go the more upwind a NW wind will be for us and we could end up with beating to wind for 7 days into Horta, or even worse not getting to the low and being stuck in a wind hole in. read more...


Epiphany - Day 6

We are still heading into wind. It’s been a little bit uncomfortable but we are all ok and it should ease soon. From the tracker it looks like most of the boats are in the same position as us, trying to track E without going to far S. Sailing upwind is uncomfortable for a few reasons. First Epiphany is healed over 20-30deg so life is at an angle. Second we heading into the waves so the boat is going up and down as well as being at an angle. And third, typically go are not heading directly for the finish point and so it seems to take ages to make progress. We are all feeling a little sea sick and tired. Yesterday I had a diet of Jacob’s crackers and digestives. Today was a step up with a tin of veg soup and spaghetti hoops! It’s partly you don’t have an appetite and partly so. read more...

Epiphany - Day 6
Epiphany - Day 6

Epiphany - Day 5

Short one. We found then wind! So now sailing but it’s far from comfortable. 20knots true at 50awa. Feels like 25. Short sharp sea is creating a lot of bouncing and spray. However everyone is fine and in 12 hours it will easy. We so far manage to hold an E course which will help us later in the week but we know we can head more S if it gets too rough. So thankful we emptied all but one Jerry can yesterday. They are suffering a bit on the bow with all the waves and water. We lost only one so far overboard, we also lost our starboard light but have another on the mast so all fine. Not able to try and fix the water maker yet. Too rough to be moving round too much. Anyway all ok and back tomorrow. read more...


Epiphany - Day 4

More motoring. But we will get wind tonight. The boats north of us already have it and it’s heading our way. It will be a bit into wind but for sure better than motoring. With a bit of luck we should then have wind for several days. Good times ahead. All else is quiet on board. Unfortunately last night the water maker pump overheated and cut out. It’s still working a little but making a lot less water than normal and cutting out after and hour or so. It’s either the pump motor or a blockage in the intake. Either way I can’t fix it till we stop motoring as I have to sit on the engine to access it. Luckily we still have about 500l of water in the tanks and a hand water maker as an emergency. Hence no stress. Just no more showers for a while. We put the rest of the cans of diesel. read more...


Hear's2Us - Day 3

Today started w a beautifully calm day. No wind. Around 8 am, shook out our reef and began sailing slowly in light winds. Wind died so we again motored for an hour or two before the wind returned and we were finally able to secure the engine. Around 1430 we raised our asymmetric spinnaker and we able to coax 8.5 knots +/- for the next 3 hours before Kim prepared a marvelous meal.  Then doused the spinnaker and settled in for an evening of motorsailing in light winds. Looking forward to more sustained winds tomorrow we hope!Rich and Kim and the crew of Hear’s 2 Us!. read more...


Epiphany - Day 3

We are sailing! We started to get wind late last night but it was dark so we just used the main and Genoa on a broad reach. Managed only 3-4kts but it was a nice break for the motor after 50+ hours so far. When morning light came and I finally woke up my Dad and I got the parasail out. Initially it was collapsing as we still have only light winds but once we furled the main sail it started to work properly. We are now doing 4-5 knots in 7-10 true wind at 160 apparent wind angle. This keeps us on course of about 50deg so a little north of the great circle route but it’s fine as after the weekend we expect NE winds which will push us south again. The other job for this morning was to fill diesel tank while the sea is still flat. 5.5 cans went in about 120litres. Meaning we still have about. read more...

Epiphany - Day 3
Epiphany - Day 3
Epiphany - Day 3
Epiphany - Day 3

Epiphany - Day 3

We got updated weather this morning and after lots of reviewing and thinking we have decided to alter course a little to the North. All the forecasts agree that tomorrow lunch there will be a 10kt SW wind there for us. Recently it’s been unusual that all the forecasts agree so that’s a good sign. It means we go a little off the direct route but should be overall faster as we simple can’t motor the whole way. Staying on the great circle route the wind would have been another 24-48 more away. The other reason is that there is a small tropical low coming up from the carribean. Nothing crazy but likely to bring rain and thunderstorms and by going a bit more North we should miss these. Looking at the fleet some have the same idea but same stay on the great circle route or even go a bit. read more...


Epiphany - Day 2

The calm winds continued all night so on and on we motored. We are all quickly back into the watch system. Getting as much sleep as possible off watch. Unfortunately we heard today that Smooth Operator have to head back to Bermuda with technical issues. We helped them notify Rally Control and Bermuda radio and said a quick goodbye. They were on the same plan as us and just behind us all night. Was nice to have company but now we are almost alone. Thankfully we have Ariel nearby, a HR 53, also Italian and skippered by the lovely Paolo.After helping Smooth Operator we were rewarded with some wind and have been sailing for the last few hours. Heading a bit SE to keep powered but it’s ok as it looks like a little low pressure and the wind should veer to N and NW over the next 24 hours allow. read more...


Sequel - Sequel_Azores

Day 2 to Azores Great time in Bermuda.WCC plans well and makes the trip fun and efficient for us. Many thanks. We departed Bermuda May 22 for Azores. No wind predicted for several days.And it’s true. Sailing with full sails and the iron Genoa. Played trivia games with the fleet last night thanks to LEMA for instigating and connecting us all while we’re floating out here in the middle of the ocean. The calm seas are amazing but we want to sail.Searching for wind…Beautiful sunrise and full moon rising captured by us. image1image2. read more...

Sequel - Sequel_Azores
Sequel - Sequel_Azores
Sequel - Sequel_Azores
Sequel - Sequel_Azores

Hear's2Us - Auspicious start to ARC Europe! Day 1 and 2

Hello from Hear's 2 Us!.We have had a slow start to the sailing portion of the race.Most of the boats have been motor-sailing for the first few days as have we.Winds light rarely above 9 knots but beautiful calm seas with a very full moon and clear skies.We got off to a good start crossing the line #5 out of 32 yachts.We have made about 125nm per day for the first 2.We were able to put out the jib for some help with the motor-sailing and on day 2 (May 23) actually sailed for about 7 hours making about 5.2knots +/-.Last night it's back to motor sailing but with a slight push making 6+ knots with motor assist.Day one, we landed our first fish.A small mahi (called a peanut dolphin).Could have served lunch for 2 but we let her go to grow larger for the next fisherman.Waiting on the. read more...


Epiphany - Day 1

We are off!As expected there was no wind today so it was a motor boat start. Still super fun to see 34 boats leaving Bermuda together and all squeezing through the town cut. We are now a few hours out and seem to be one of the most southerly boats. So far we are headed direct for Azores on a great circle route, 68T. The reason being to minimise distance while motoring and there is a potential low coming up from the carribean and I was to be as east as possible so we have the best chance to pick the southerly then westerly winds that a low would bring. It also puts us high on the leaderboard but it means nothing at the moment as we are all motoring.image0image1image2image3image4. read more...

Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1

Epiphany - Explore, Dream, Discover

We saw this quote in a vintage store here in Bermuda. Very apt for today image0. read more...

Epiphany - Explore, Dream, Discover
Epiphany - Explore, Dream, Discover

Epiphany - Preparation day

It’s our final day in Bermuda. Last minute washing and the skippers briefing. Light winds are forecast for the first few days and then a lot of uncertainty in the weather. Despite this we are still planning to go, the forecasts are never certain and we will head out and make the best of it. When the weather settles we can then make adjustments as we go to find the best way. So we will start with a great circle route course (68T) and motor if needed for a few days. We have 7 days or about 1000km of motoring ability so we can go quite a long way and still have lots of safety fuel.In terms of preparation it’s now my 5th ocean passage so I’m feeling quite comfortable getting everything ready and provisioning. We have lots of onions, squash and cabbage which keep really well into week 2 to. read more...


Epiphany - Bermuda

We have now been in Bermuda a few days, enough time to catch up in sleep, taste a few dark n stormy and enjoy some of the local food.The last morning was a lovely sail in and we crossed the line at 10:38 local time. Almost exactly 7 days since we left st Maarten. The docks were all busy so we have been at anchor the last few days. A good way to save money as everything here is expensive but as it’s been windy and the water a b it choppy every trip in the dingy is a bit wet!Arrival allowed us to catch up with everyone in the fleet. Most had similar experiences to us and motored about the same amount. On corrected time we were about middle of the pack which I’m more than happy with as there are some strong sailors here with good boats and lots of sails.There have been the usual ARC events,. read more...

Epiphany - Bermuda
Epiphany - Bermuda
Epiphany - Bermuda
Epiphany - Bermuda
Epiphany - Bermuda
Epiphany - Bermuda

Epiphany - Day 7

It’s almost sunrise on our final morning before Bermuda. We survived the cold front better than most the fleet. Many reported torrential rain and lightning with strong 30knots wind. Somehow, for sure not skipper skill, we found a little hole and had hardly any rain, no lightning and only 10 knots of wind. We had to motor a bit b it crew were happy to avoid the worst of the weather. Still it was a long night for me. Up and down a lot checking the radar which whoever was on watch and reefing/unreefing in case of high winds. At the moment we are crusing in at 7knots on a beam reach. Touching distance behind us is Chiron another ARC boat and looks like we will arrive together. Looking forward to a walk, some nice food and a long long sleep. Another amazing achievement.. read more...


Epiphany - Day 5

The wind has returnedSails are powered Waves gradually pushingAn occasional surf 250 miles to goAnother two nightsBermuda awaitsDark and stormyHigh Sirius in the skyA warning of what’s to comeA front of coldRain and maybe thunderFor now all canvas is outWing on wingBut ready to reef we areFor ahead lies the unknown. image0. read more...

Epiphany - Day 5
Epiphany - Day 5

Epiphany - Day 4

Still no fish, but at least the weed has stopped so we can leave the lures out all day.Otherwise all calm. Wind died at lunch today so we started to motor again. It should start up again this afternoon as we hook on the then bottom of a low pressure. A cold front will pass over us too so likely will be some rain and maybe even thunder. All very much expected when heading back to Europe but will be a bit rougher than the last few days.. read more...


Sequel - Day 5 - Sequel

We’re having a “sporty” sail over the last 24 hrs. And expecting same to Bermuda. My Apple Watch told me I’ve complete my 10000 steps! We’re all safe. Getting reasonable rest off watch on the low side bunks.Lots of prepared one pot stews, fruit, peanut butter, water and snacks help.Water maker is fabulous and the new sails are performing excellently. And the new autopilot - fantastic!!Other than the washing machine wave action it’s been a really great experience. We have 200 miles to go in the same conditions until Bermuda.🌊. read more...


Sequel - Day 4 Sequel

We’re making our way from Ft. Lauderdale to Bermuda, 365 miles to go.Currently 7.3kn in the proper direction. The wind is finally favorable. The new sails are performing beautifully. Crew is happy with the meals and the Starlink makes all the difference on the happy scale. We’re happy to be out of the Miami heat and into dry, cool weather on the Atlantic. image0. read more...

Sequel - Day 4 Sequel
Sequel - Day 4 Sequel

Hear's2Us - Little River to Bermuda day 4

Yesterday was another eventful day in the life of S/V Hear's 2 Us!. Our traveler car failed on Day 2 so we Jerry rigged a tack point for the main sheet with lines which worked beautifully for 2 days then last night as we sat down for dinner, the line chaffed through and we again had all hands on deck to secure the swinging boom. Mission accomplished with no injuries other than pride. Since the wind was 9 knots and it was calming even further, we left it 'til morning and motor sailed with the jib until around 0100 Tue am then motored for the rest of the night. This am, crewman Bill Wheary and I made chafe guards from fire hose (graciously supplied by our son Erik Osman and Horry County Fire Rescue and re-rigged our new tack point. We are back in business (if we could only find some wind).. read more...


Epiphany - Day 3

Yesterday evening we finally got across the area of no wind and picked up a NNE wind from a small high pressure to our NW.  Since then we have been on full sails fully sheeted in trying to beat upwind until the wind veers to the E and eventually SE. Epiphany is a lovely boat but she is not so great heading into wind. She has no battens in her main so it has a big leech cut away which reduces her power quite a lot. On the plus side it means she reefs easily into the mast and if we get his by a squall she can normally manage without a reef. Anyway it means our progress was a little slow overnight and this morning. Topaz Rival (photo) came by us at sunrise managing 0.5-1knots more speed even though they are smaller than us. It may also be our weight. We are full of water and. read more...

Epiphany - Day 3
Epiphany - Day 3

Epiphany - Day 2

Most of the last 24 hours has been motoring. It was expected and to be honest we sailed more that though we could so far. It was frankly a very dull night and morning. No boats in sight, calm seas, no wind and no fish. Just hot and sweaty. Main excitement was fitting another gas solenoid. I think that’s 5 so far this trip!This afternoon has been better. The wind picked up from the west and now sailing steadily. It’s due to shift NE soon and then remain stable for a few days.Crew are fully into watches now and we started our evening meals together. Yesterday I made paella and today dad has made a sweet potato and bean curry. Otherwise all good. Battery is full charged. We have full water still and way too much food so will not need much more in Bermuda. Without kids there is a lot more. read more...

Epiphany - Day 2
Epiphany - Day 2

Epiphany - Day 1

We have been able to sail a bit more than I expected. Last night we have a good steady broad reach of 10-15knots and then first thing this morning we got the parasail out again. Unfortunately the wind has now dropped again so back to motoring. We are at the back of the fleet but I think most people motored past us last night rather than sail slowly. There is a fairly hefty penalty for motoring so our final position is likely to be a bit better than last Otherwise all well on the boat and everyone is settling in to the routine. Fishing gear is out but no luck so far. We had one bite but the line brokeDinner will be paella tonight and hopefully the wind will pickup again but more likely is we motor now till Tuesday morning when a cold front passes over us and the NE trades will. read more...

Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1
Epiphany - Day 1

Hear's2Us - Day 2 Littler River to Bermuda

The 11th started off strong with good winds from the north and nice progress until shortly after noon when the winds petered it. Ended up motor sailing (a lot more motoring than sailing. In the middle of the night e managed to break our traveler car (Lewmar) when a rogue wave unloaded and loaded it. I secured it at 2245 and Jerry rigged a solution at 0630 on the 12th. Late in the am, the winds built to 22-25 from the west and we flew our spinnaker for the first time this season. We saw up to 15 with a small squall with gusts to 29. Chafed through our tack and secured her for the day. Hopefully no more excitement. Have been tagging along w Queso Grande II which has been nice. Tried out our SSB and tracking w Iridiun  at Starlink is working well and Chris Parker has been very. read more...


Sequel - Day Two_Sequel

We departed Ft. Lauderdale on Friday with the Blue Angles overhead. Our practice runs prior to leaving were very helpful to learn to work as a team.  The weather predictions have been a bit off and we found ourselves motor sailing on day two and maintaining our course now with a favorable VMG.  Looking forward to meeting the WCC Arc Europe 2024 group. Stephen and Barbara Lees. read more...


Epiphany - Day -1. On the eve

On the eve of a passageSkippers calmly preparingSun gradually settingTemperature slowly fallingWind gently rippling through the flagsA sense of anticipation in the airTomorrow a new adventure beginsWe head to the peace of offshoreAt the mercy of natureOnly our skills and training to get us throughAnd yet we still goInto the unknownBecause that is livingMattSV Epiphany HR43-55. read more...