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Luna - Log 4 - The smallest whale in the world...

Man siger, at intet nyt er godt nyt, og vi har jo ikke skidt nyt at berette...blot status quo: Ingen vind og ingen fisk :-)

I går morges fik båden følgeskab af (eller vi opdagede det i alt fald først da) af verdens mindste hval. Ok...det er måske ikke så meget en hval som en knap 30 cm lang, turkisblå fisk, der svømmer lige til venstre for boven. Og her (nærmest midt) på Atlanten blev det ombord på Luna til en hval. Dejligt med lidt selskab...den har indtil nu fulgt os i i alt fald 24 timer :-)

Lidt senere på dagen spottede hvalspotterens (Sune) far (det må ligge i generne) en hval (formentlig en spækhugger) helt ude i horisonten, som sprang lystigt og dermed også sprøjtede med masser af vand. Vi fik den dog ikke at se tættere på, men det var da lidt ekstra underholdning på en ellers rolig dag.

Til eftermiddagssjussen var der guitarmusik, før kabyssen bød på endnu en omgang lækre kødboller i tomatsovs og pasta.

Natten forløb stille og hen på morgen døde vinden så meget ud, at storsejlet blev taget ned. Og så rullede vi ellers derud af, da der kom dønninger fra flere forskellige retninger.

Lidt frustrerede over manglende vind, men vi formår så i stedet at nyde sol og varme og godt selskab :-)

/Luna & Besætning


A Danish saying is that no news is good news, and we have nothing bad to report from Luna...only status qui: No wind and no fish :-)

This morning we got company by (at least we haven't realized it before now) the smallest whale in the world. Well, might be more of a fish (turkish and about 30 cm) than actually a whale, but it is following us and keeps swimming on the left side of the boat. And here (almost) on the middle of the Atlantic this fish has turned out a whale when being talked about onboard Luna. And now, it has been accompanying us for at least 24 hours :-)

During the day, Jørgen (father of the big Whale Spotter (Sune - it must be running in the family)) spotted a whale jumping and splashing far out in the horizon. Unfortunately, we didn't get the chance to get closer before it disappeared but it was great to see anyway.

For the afternoon snack the guitar got out of the bag and we had a good time before kitchen offered a delicious meal of meatballs in tomato sauce with pasta.

After a really quite night, the wind died completely this morning and we had to pull down the main sail. And then Luna rolled a lot because of aweful swells from multiple directions.

A little frustration due to the lack of wind...but we choose to keep up the good mood and enjoy the sun and the warm weather - and not the least the excellent company aboard Luna :-)

/Luna & Crew

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