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Cruinneag III - Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Thursday 8th December 2011 13:33:41N 56:30:35W

TOAST TO THE LASSIES - Trevor Watson, 6th december 2011

I only realised when the Gardner first grumbles
Into life in Las Palmas that - Guys! We're Outnumbered!
Four solid fellows with stout hearts of oak
Who inject, drink, ingest and pretend not to smoke
About to set sail across the rolling Atlantic
All eager and willing and a tiny bit frantic.

Our skipper is Nick, full of resource and cheer
Then there's Trevor who likes motorboats and drinks lots of beer
Steve's got his own yacht so is a useful Jack Tor
And Raman who's talent's wasted when not running a bar
A sound group of lads although it would seem
They wouldn't get started without the ladies in the team.

Mother Nature herself provides both wind and ocean
And Susan the pharmacist mixes lotions and potions
With Sailing experience and a sweet gentle nature
(Unless you ask hubby steve, who wouldn't pick the same features)

Our First Mate is Karen who victualled and planned,
Gives galley and heads training and checks watches are manned
As a bonus in her bikini, she's some serious eye-candy
So is probably seen as a threat by wee Dandy
Who is our ships dog and likes all the attention she can get
So she's a foot warmer and vacuum cleaner as well as a pet.

The fifth of our lassies who brings all these together
Is a gorgeous old girl in fine oak, teak and leather.
Cruinneag III is our home, our carriage, our shelter
And when the Red Baron is full she's quite the wee belter
Though 75 years old now and with creaks, groans and aches
She's keen for adventure and leaves joy in her wake.

So please join me now and raise up your glasses
And let's drink a toast to these, our fair lassies.

It's day 18 at sea and we're at meltdown point...less than 300 miles to our destination and there is not a breath of wind...and oh good lord is it hot. The crew are starting to fight over the few shady cool spots on deck...below deck forget it. Dandy the dog has implemented fart warfare to make sure she gets the best shady spot and everyone else is lying around in a heap. During the mid-day watch today I was keeping cool by having my own private wet t-shirt contest on the aft deck while watch-mate/swab boy Raman watched a Dvd in the 3 inches of shade he could wrestle from Dandy. Everyone else watched dvds in the saloon until the fishing Rod started rattling and next thing you know we've bagged our biggest catch yet...a Dorado we reckon must way the guts of 30 kilo...that's dinner for the rest of the trip sorted!

We won't go hungry

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