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Nyda - Day 17-18

Really very little to report over the last couple of days, nothing much has been going on!

We had a good run yesterday of 163 miles, the night sail had been fun with some wave surfing to be had. It was definitely a lot more enjoyable than sitting in the rain of the previous night.
Last night the good wind continued but it has slackened off again this afternoon. Dad and Graham are coming up with more and more ludicrous sail variation ideas to try and improve our speed. I suspect by the time we reach St. Lucia we will be flying every piece of cloth on board: coats, trousers and pants included!!!
The rest of the fleet seem to be north of us but those in front have hit a hole: several boats were motoring when we spoke this morning. We are hoping for a true Cowes week style finish where we steal the lead just as we cross the line!

In light of nothing more interesting to report I will end here and hope for excitement for tomorrow!

Rosie xx

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