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Engelen - Day 16 - No wind out of the wrong direction

When waking andi up for his shift at 8 am and telling him that we might have to tag, he replied "tag?, why tag? we're on forwind wind course."
We were during the last 15 days but in the middle of the night the wind has begun shifting and still does.
We now have wind from W, definetly not the type one would expect on a trip into the carribean. We are tagging a lot to make at least a few miles good towards St. Lucia.
But on the other hand hard on wind sailing has one big advantage, the wind is cooling you down.

The today's position report showed us that every ship around us has to struggle with these unusual winds.

On the VHF we overheard a conversation between two boats. It started with one complaining about their generator which failed. But he said its overall a wonderful day and then asked the others which days it was? Answer: Thursday.
No its the fin independence day from sweden and russia.
and then they sang the fin national anthem on VHF.

Thats our laughter of the day so far.

We still hope we'll catch a huge and epic fish for dinner but chances get lower unless we are getting closer to St. Lucia.

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