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Clearlake II - Day 17 - Nearly Becalmed

Current position "14:39.6N 55:30.6W”. Winds gradually died overnight to around 5-6 knots. They’ve also veered round from the E towards W. So no we are heading close to wind in a NW direction; we’re making a good course for Guadaloupe! Expectation is for continued veering through towards the N and back to NE-E. So at some point we’ll tack towards the S. We’re making good boat speed in the circumstances – around 4 knots – but it’s not quite in the right direction! So our fears of getting stuck around today are realised, albeit not the toughest experience in the world, just frustrating to feel so close but so far. If we carry on at today’s rate our Thursday eta will be more like Saturday, but I suspect we’ll improve on that as the wind moves from where it is now.
Of course the team has not rested, with more swimming off the stern on a line today followed by Graham and then Byron going out on the spinnaker pole – great views both looking out and looking back! Got to do something to hold off the sweltering heat....


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