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Piccolo - Light winds and feeding the fishes

Hello World,
What has happened since our last blog on Wednesday?  Well for yours truly the lack of meat and alcohol in my diet, coupled with a sudden influx of fresh (and not so fresh) fruit and veg has played havoc with my delicate constitution over the last couple of days culminating in me feeding the fishes over a wide arc (see what I did there?!) yesterday evening.  The purge has done me the world of good though and whatever was causing the distress appears to have been banished and I'm feeling good now.  We have just enjoyed some much needed comfort food in the form of a corn beef hash that went down very well and has filled the gaping hole left by the purge.
Winds over the last two days have been light ranging from force 2 and occaisionally touching force 4 although at the time of writing we have the kite up doing 6-8 knots in about 9-11 knots true and bearing 263.  We will be flying the kite through the night wind permitting, in lightish winds to get some miles in and reserve as much fuel as possible as the prognosis for wind is not good until mid to late next week.  We are currently a little North of the Cape Verde Islands and heading West into what looks like another windless hole.  We seem to be surrounded by windless holes at the moment but with any luck the cabbage that accompanied dinner will provide us with some windy holes by morning.
Our attempts at fishing have not yet born fruit, much to the seeming delight of a certain cynic (Graham) on board, one bite and a dodgy knot resulted in one lot of tackle disappearing and some buttery fingers from another unnamed party resulted in another whole set of tackle plunging to the depths (someone won't be making the cricket team this year).  Today another bite on the tackle (make your own double entendres here) but once hauled in proved to be a discarded bin bag, much to Grahams amusement.  Still, you don't catch a fish without casting a line and we will be jury rigging a second fishing line tomorrow in the hope of catching some fresh protein.
Our skipper has been promising to whistle some show tunes as after dinner entertainment but so far this has been a no show. We eagerly await his performance and will report more if this ever materialises.
Piccolo signing off.

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